Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Chibi Game

Return of the chibi characters! This time I focused a lot on an action-RPG, hack and slash gameplay style, which means a ton of animation and effects. These games tend to be very character focused with plenty of action and movement going on. One thing I have learned is that games like this and fighting games have to come up with so many, MANY animations. My animations are just the tip of the iceberg compared to fighting games or games like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. Even games like MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune Vs Zombies (mouthful of a name) have a ton of wild animations.

Basing off of the simple combo system the Maestro had, I made these characters have a rudimentary 2 button combo system. Unfortunately, I am not skilled enough to make very complex combos with even just 2 buttons, so the combos that exist tend to just be after a certain number of valid key presses.

The controls were based on the Xbox controller, but they can be played on the keyboard and mouse. Each character has basic attack combos and an alternate attack that can change up how the character attacks in another combo (more info for individual characters). They can all fight on the ground or up in the air, they all have double jump, they can dash forward on the ground or in the air (Maestro had a directional dash but it was very difficult to get it done smoothly) and have class specific traits to them.

This project consisted of various classes of RPG characters. Back in the original chibi character project, I had already made the different classes but the only one that made it entirely through that project was the female Rogue. The other characters were the male and female Knight, male and female Wizard, male and female Ranger, and a male Rogue. Since all they need is a bit of a tuneup in topology and textures, they could easily be used. In this game project, I made 2 more chibi characters (minus the opposite sex versions).

This project consisted of 3 characters: the female Rogue, the female Technomage, and the male Berserker.


The Rogue was the first character to be finished. She is made to be a quick and agile assassin. She has daggers so she is short ranged and cannot easily take on multiple targets. However, her move set gives her the ability to attack single targets efficiently and move across the battlefield as well. Her basic attack combo is X+X+X+X+X... etc. Just spam it...

Her alternate attack are thrown daggers. Her alternate attack combo is Y+Y+Y. 

Her air attacks are pretty fun and "ninja"-like as well and are done with the alternate attack button Y. If you were to just jump in the air and mash Y, you would be unable to fully access the air combo. To get the full experience, you must first press X then Y mash. X+Y+Y+Y+Y is the combo. How it goes is a simple stab forward into a kick upwards, launching enemies into the sky where the Rogue can then dispatch an area in the air with ease and finish it with a Down attack, forcing her enemies towards the ground. 

Due to some unfortunate programming and my noob skillz, it is possible to do air attacks on the ground by simply pressing Y early in the basic attack combo and you will do the air attack which is numerically ordered next. For example, attacks are done in an attack order. X+X+X+X is 1+2+3+4. X+Y+Y+Y is 1+2+3+4 still. Its easy to do something like X+X+Y+Y. However, you cannot go back to the X combo after that. So I guess its kinda cool that you can easily switch combos albeit only a one-way transfer, but it was unintended.

She has a down attack, done at the end of the air combo, but can be done anytime in the air by pressing X instead of Y.


The Technomage is the 2nd character. Learning from some mistakes in the Rogue, I enhanced the blueprint from the Technomage. Her rig was also pretty fun to do and as a result, her animations were awesome. Intended as a mixture of magic and technology (hence her class name) she controls 2 drones that can channel her power. Her wide attacks can destroy hordes of enemies with ease, but she is not as fast and nimble as the Rogue. 

Her basic attack combo gets better as it goes. As her combo progresses, her power dispensed is increased, her range is larger, and she gains the ability to move. She can easily keep enemies at bay. Her final basic attack is a large powerful beam she fires while standing still. You can slowly rotate her. 

Her alternate attack is using the drones to fire a bolt each and one from her. 3 shots total from one Y input. This is a spammable attack and she is able to keep moving. 

Same as the rogue air combo, the technomage combo is X+Y+Y+Y. But instead of fighting in the air, she opts to fight from the ground in a large area. The end of her combo is a devastating hammer attack with her drone bringing enemies from the air down to the ground in a destructive energy shockwave. 

Her down attack is similar to her final basic attack in that she will fire a large beam downwards at an angle to the ground. 

One problem she has in terms of programming is that her down attack can be used at any time during an air combo. Her air combo occurs on the ground instead so doing her down attack on the ground looks like she is extremely angry at the ground 5 feet away from her and insists on exacting vengeance upon that poor ground. Rip in pieces. 


The Berserker is the final character. There isn't too much difference in the basic programming behind this guy and the technomage but he does have an ability the others don't: Block. This old war veteran thrives upon the fields of battle and is still able to swing his massive 2 handed axe with ease. Enemies in number or single imps will stand no match against his wide swinging arcs and blade storms. In terms of animation this guy is very unique in that he always has a "cooldown" animation. After every attack, if there is no further input, he has a unique animation to replace his axe upon his shoulder.

His basic attack is unique in that once he starts his blade storm, he doesn't have to ever stop. Until he has to move at least. His spinning blade storm gains attack speed and damage with the loss of movement speed the longer he is spinning. Very quickly he will come to maximum spin and come to a standstill as a result. He has 2 ways of finishing this combo. Pressing no buttons result in him making a final spin into a large arcing forward lunge. Pressing Y will launch him and his enemies into the air and be brought down to the ground in a devastating explosion, probably in half too. 

His alternate attack is a simple fire slice. The flaming projectile travels slowly but grows larger as it travels for a long distance. 

Pressing B will make him Block. Block is intended to prevent any damage coming from in front of him as he shelters himself behind his massive axe. 

The Berserker scoffs at the notion of fighting in the air with his massive heavy axe, so instead his only air attack is a slice into down attack. He will fall straight down from his position and cause a large explosion upon landing. Brutal. 

Due to him not having an air combo, the berserker is surprisingly bug free. Hooray!
Originally this project was going to have a 4th chibi character, a Priest. But I figured I had enough practice with that body type and wanted to try something harder. The next post is my most recent, and and my new favorite project: the Priest.

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