Monday, June 17, 2013

Female Heads

Going along with the idea of building straight in Zbrush, I also wanted to try new methods of doing hair by using a brush I should have used much more often and a LONG time ago: the Dam_Standard brush. I tried various hairstyles for a head I also sculpted directly in Zbrush just to mess around. You can say that these are trials and speedsculpts.

These models catapulted me into my current and almost completed project: The Witch!

Painter's Pets: Hint of Blue

Its been far too long since I made a new post. The Hint of Blue was done a LONG time ago, so I am just bad at updating this. I really should more often considering I am on the final stretch for my newest endeavor.

For this post I will finish the Painter's Pets series of characters/monsters/pets.

The idea behind this guy would be like a spectral spellcaster pet of the painter. Faceless but with a hood, this Hint of Blue can strike from a distance.

I have another series of heads coming up!